UNODC: Over 300kg of cocaine seized at Durres Port, Albania
24 June 2021
Durres Port Control Unit is supported by the UNODC-WCO Container Control Programme
A seizure of 324.4kg of cocaine, with a locally estimated street value over 16 million euros, was made in a truck attempting to depart Albania but intercepted at Durres Port. Following the inspection protocols and the use of non-intrusive inspection techniques, anomalies were noted in the spare fuel tank of the truck. With the help of the Durres Port Control Unit (PCU) officers, trained in specialized search and examination techniques, 300 packages were recovered and field-tested positive for cocaine.
The routing of the truck showed that it entered Albania through the Qafa Thana Border Crossing Point (BCP), on the border with North Macedonia. The driver of the truck, a national of North Macedonia, was arrested and turned over to the Prosecution Office for further criminal investigation.

The PCU officers, some of whom also have judicial police functions, are actively involved in analyzing the risk indicators to determine elements associated with the origins, transit route and final destination of the vehicle. As a result of this analysis, officers will benefit from the various risk metrics refining thereby local risk indicators and building knowledge and experience for improved interdiction results and trade facilitation.
Since the beginning of 2021, the Durres PCU officers contributed to the seizure of over half a ton of cocaine.
The Durres PCU was established and is supported by the UNODC-WCO Container Control Programme and contributions from various donors, the current one being the Government of France.