The United Nations in Albania
Welcome to the United Nations in Albania!
As a family of specialized agencies, under the coordination and leadership of the UN Resident Coordinator, the UN in Albania works closely with the Government of Albania (GoA) and other partners including civil society, academia and the private sector, to fight poverty, strengthen the rule of law, promote human rights and fundamental freedoms, protect the environment and support economic and social reforms.

In harmonizing these actions, the UN in Albania takes its inspiration from the United Nations Charter, the overarching instrument of the UN, as well as more recent agreements reached by world leaders, such as the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that address many of the complex challenges the world faces.
In 2007, Albania became one of eight countries worldwide to pilot the UN Delivering as One (DaO) reform. Since then, the UN in Albania has been exploring and developing new ways of working together with the Government and partners to achieve greater impact by being more results oriented, reducing duplication of efforts and improving coherence and efficiency.
The current Albania-United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF) 2022-2026 combines the expertise of 19 UN Agencies, working together to contribute to Albania’s development priorities:
- accession to the European Union (EU),
- the 2030 agenda and
- Albania’s nationalized SDG targets, with a focus on the quality of health and education, good governance and rule of law, public service provision, and effective response and recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The UNSDCF 2022-2026 has the below priorities and expected outcomes:
STRATEGIC PRIORITY A: Human capital development & social inclusion.
Outcome 1: By 2026, there is increased and more equitable investment in people, removing barriers and creating opportunities for those at risk of exclusion.
Access the Joint Workplan 2022-2023 for Outcome 1
STRATEGIC PRIORITY B: Sustainable, resilient and green economic growth and resource management.
Outcome 2: By 2026, innovative and integrated policy solutions accelerate sustainable, productive and inclusive economic development, enhancing climate change adaptation and mitigation and transition to a green and blue economy.
Access the Joint Workplan 2022-2023 for Outcome 2
STRATEGIC PRIORITY C: Effective, people-centred governance, rule of law, human rights and gender equality.
Outcome 3: By 2026, governance is more transparent and accountable, enabling people to enjoy quality, inclusive services, enhanced rule of law and access to justice in line with Albania’s human rights commitments.
Access the Joint Workplan 2022-2023 for Outcome 3
Outcome 4: By 2026, gender responsive governance strengthens equality and non-discrimination, promotes women’s empowerment and human rights, and reduces violence against women and children.
Access the Joint Workplan 2022-2023 for Outcome 4
UNSDCF 2022-26 follows a successful Programme of Cooperation for Sustainable Development 2017-2021 as highlighted in Annual Progress Reports (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020 and 2021).