Progress Report 2014

This Annual Progress Report for Albania covers the period January– December 2014. The re port, prepared jointly by the Government of Albania (GoA) and the United Nations (UN), reflects tangible development results accomplished and lessons learned in 2014 from implementation of the Programme of Cooperation (PoC) 2012–2016.
Albania has made significant progress towards achieving the vision, as set out in its National Strategy for Development and Integration (NSDI) 2007–2013 to be “A country with high living standards, which is integrated in the European and Euro–Atlantic structures, is democratic and guarantees the fundamental human rights and liberties.” In recognition of the reform steps undertaken, the country gained EU candidate status on 24 June, 2014.
In response to Albania’s national priorities, the UN in Albania supports the country’s government in four inter-linked and mutually reinforcing priority areas: 1, Governance and Rule of Law; 2, Economy and Environment; 3, Regional and Local Development; and 4, Inclusive Social Policy. These pillars are bound together by UN Albania’s goal to promote sustainable and equitable development, social inclusion and adherence to international norms and fulfilment of international obligations, in support of the integration of the country into the EU. Steered by the programme’s focus, the UN has also played a critical role in supporting policy dialogue on a broad range of issues between the donor community and government. The UN co-chaired the sector working groups on territorial reform, anti-corruption and social inclusion, a role that is very important for forward-looking, upstream planning of assistance, joint actions and the strengthening of line ministries’ capacities.