UNFPA: A discussion about Youth Mainstreaming in Formal Policy-Making.
13 October 2020
- Young Albanians discuss with UNFPA Country Director for Albania

In the framework of UN75 dialogues in Albania and through a cooperation between RCO and UN Association Albania an interactive discussion (online) was organized. Conceptualized as an overarching discussion, focusing on “Youth Mainstreaming in Formal Policy-Making”, the event focused on three key areas: Assessing the needs of young key populations and other marginalized groups for achieving their effective inclusion and participation; reflecting on the engagement of youth in policy discussions at the local, national and international level; promoting youth agency and their priorities for sustaining peace in the ambit of SDG 16 and regional cooperation.
Twenty-two young Albanians from different walks of life engaged in discussion around these topics with UNFPA Country Director for Albania Nigina Abaszade. The participants dwelt more on understanding the importance of youth participation from different backgrounds particularly those from marginalized groups and vulnerable communities in formal political mechanisms as a vital part towards an inclusive society. These groups face increased discrimination and exclusion from decision-making processes during times of uncertainty such as a pandemic. To overcome this, young Albanians see the need for adequate access to information, services as well as support provided through the right approach by all government actors and international organizations. Additionally, throughout the discussion it was mentioned that another solution to this issue would be the introduction of youth quotas, however this seems to increase the segregation between these subgroups and the rest of society.
The discussion covered also youth participation in global decision-making processes with the participants acknowledging the need to act as an interest group, to self-organize and engage in policy-making and policy implementation regarding issues pertaining to sustaining peace.
Watch the discussion here (Links to Facebook Video).