The ILO trains Albanian judges and magistrate candidates on international labour standards
16 June 2022
News from the ILO in Albania

The International Labor Organization (ILO), through the project "Access to Justice in Labour Disputes through Mediation and Conciliation", with the financial support of the Government of Sweden, developed a tailor-made training programme on judicial use of International Labour Standards which has become part of the continuous training programme of the Albanian School of Magistrates since 2020. In 2021, the first 50 judges and candidate magistrates (62% women) were trained on international labour standards by the ILO Office for Central and Eastern Europe and the International Training Center of the ILO (ITCILO), in cooperation with the Albanian School of Magistrates.

On 13 -16 June 2022, 55 judges, candidate magistrates and law practitioners (51%women) working in Albanian district and appeal courts were trained and capacitated to use ILS in the domestic case law in areas such as: freedom of association, equality and discrimination, violence and harassment at work, Occupational Safety and Health and Termination of Employment.
The ILS are an important legal source for filling legislative gaps, interpreting ambiguous legal provisions and strengthening domestic case law on labour issues. The training package provides useful resources and a methodology for the initial and continuous education of judges by the School of Magistrates.
For more info on this project, watch the video below: