Press Release

WHO: Refugee and migrant health - a global health priority

01 August 2022

UN Albania Covid-19 Response

Worldwide, more people are on the move now than ever before, yet many refugees and migrants face poorer health outcomes than the host populations. Addressing their health needs is, therefore, a global health priority and integral to the principle of the right to health for all. The key is to strengthen and maintain health systems by ensuring that they are refugee- and migrant-sensitive and inclusive.

Health outcomes are influenced by a whole list of factors. However, refugees and migrants face additional determinants such as precarious legal status; discrimination; social, cultural, linguistic, administrative, and financial barriers; lack of information about health entitlements; low health literacy; and fear of detention and deportation.

Photo: © WHO Albania

WHO is working closely with countries and partners to advocate for the inclusion of refugees and migrants in all aspects of the covid-19 pandemic response, including access to reliable information, treatment and care, and vaccination.

In collaboration with the organization Refugee and Migrant Services in Albania (RMSA), funded by USAID, WHO is currently supporting an initiative to better address health needs of refugees and migrants in Albania by informing and providing them with initial medical check-up and follow-up as per their needs. This is done via stationary and mobile medical teams, offering Covid-19 testing, and facilitating Covid-19 vaccination, as well as providing health information in their native languages. The translation is also offered during medical check-ups to ensure good communication between the patient and the medical professionals.

Photo: © WHO Albania

Support to refugees and migrant’s health in Albania in figures (01 June - 31 July 2022).

  • 210 medical visits were conducted in and out RMSA premise
  • 95 PoC were provided with initial medical check- up
  • 70 PoC were provided with Primary Health Care (PHC) services and follow-up
  • 56 prescriptions were issued by RMSA doctor for all medications that are not in the reimbursement list
  • 46 medical examinations were facilitated in public and private clinics such as: blood and urine test, uroculture, x-ray pulmonary, echography of thyroid, pap test, vaginal strain, x-ray, echography etc.
  • 305 PoC have received awareness messages and information, related to Covid-19 vaccination, personal hygiene/environmental hygiene, family planning, sexual transmitted diseases, child abuse, etc. mostly in person discussions and phone calls.  5 small groups containing six per group were provided with training related to Covid-19.
  • 1950 information leaflets were sent for dissemination at the Border and Migration Police of Tirana, in Saranda, Vlora, Durres, and to all the people of concern contacted during this period.
  • 10 PoC were infected with Covid-19 infection out of them 3 PoC were confirmed by Covid-19 test. All the patients were treated with the protocol of Covid-19 and were quarantined in their shelters
  • 5 individuals from Ukraine and other nationality were vaccinated with the Booster Covid-19 vaccine (Pfizer).
  • 4 children are vaccinated with the protocol of the vaccine as per their age.
  • 124 individuals were assisted with one time and/or more with psychological support in Albania.
  • 296 psychological sessions and periodically contacts were provided to the PoC in need of this service
  • 10 meetings were held with the representatives of the hospitals and/or public clinics in Durres and Tirana
  • An Ukrainian translator was hired to assist during the visits and consults with the doctors as well as during the psychotherapy, logopedy, and physiotherapy.
  • Health cards for PoC started to be issued with the FID number and were tested at the family doctor level.

UN entities involved in this initiative

World Health Organization

Goals we are supporting through this initiative