UN Albania meets representatives from banking sector to strengthen cooperation for accelerating achievement of SDGs in Albania
09 February 2023
The banking sector is one of the main pillars of the economy and its advancement in the future, including through managing of financing flows and financing for development, cooperations across the economy and introducing and supporting new technologies being launched both in the financial and real sector.
The United Nations in Albania held a fruitful meeting with the Albanian Association of Banks and the respective representatives of banking institutions in the country, to discuss and explore avenues where the banking system can further align itself with the values of the United Nations and those of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Throughout the meeting, the United Nations staff introduced the participants with concepts and ways towards an improved and beneficial approach towards cooperating for the SDGs. Currently, some of the banking institution in Albania are part of the UN Global Compact, mentioning some of the added values that it had brought to their companies in terms of benefiting the banking
institutions and consequently, their customers.
The United Nations Global Compact is a non-binding United Nations pact to encourage businesses and firms worldwide to adopt sustainable and socially responsible policies, and to report on their implementation.
More participants expressed their interest in becoming part of the United Nations Global Compact, and additionally also in endorsing the UN’s Women’s Empowerment Principles (WEPs), which stand to deliver greater equality for women in the workplace and beyond.
This meeting session proved to be effective and informative for the participants, and it was a first step towards a stronger cooperation between the United Nations and the banking institutions in Albania, to cooperate for more financing from and accelerating progress on Sustainable Development Goals in Albania.