SDGs and Disability: A conversation with organizations and activists advocating for disability inclusion in Albania.
08 February 2023

UN Resident Coordinator in Albania, Fiona McCluney and her team met with disability inclusion organizations and activists in Albania to discuss ways to enhance the impact of UN programmes for individuals with disabilities in the context of accelerating the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in the country.
At the meeting, participants shared their views on the situation of disability in Albania and expressed concerns about issues affecting their daily lives, such as the accessibility of important documents, equality, and access to information.
UN experts presented the SDGs and their underlying targets, highlighting the importance of quality education, decent work, and social inclusion for disability inclusion.
UN Albania addresses disability inclusion through the Government of Albania-UN Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework 2022-26, specifically through the "Leave No One Behind" Joint Programme that empowers vulnerable persons to have equal access to public services, opportunities, and decision-making.
This Joint Programme has improved access to services for more than 14,858 persons with disabilities and provided improved community-based social care centers for 5,700 children and youth with disabilities and their family members.
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