"Yes! We can end TB": World Tuberculosis Day marked in Albania
25 March 2024
In commemoration of World Tuberculosis Day 2024, stakeholders in Albania, including the World Health Organization (WHO Albania), the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, health institutions responsible for tuberculosis control and care, and civil society representatives, convened on March 22, under the banner "Yes! We can end TB!"

With a global focus on investing in TB control, adopting the latest WHO recommendations, embracing innovation, and engaging civil society, efforts in the European Region aim at early detection, provision of preventive treatments, access to rapid diagnostics, and implementing effective oral regimens with person-centered services.
Despite Albania's low TB incidence, the emphasis remains on increasing case detection in at-risk groups and prevention aligned with WHO recommendations, targeting person-centered primary care services to achieve national plan targets and the #EndTB by 2030 goal.
Discussions at the event highlighted the importance of operationalizing new guidelines, strengthening primary healthcare, community engagement, preparing for the absence of Global Fund support in 2025, applying modern diagnostic technology, and enhancing the role of TB Lab References.