UN Albania Covid-19 Socio-Economic Recovery and Response Plan
The UN Albania’s COVID-19 Recovery and Response Plan has been developed under the overall leadership UNRCO in Albania. The preparation of this document has been possible due to the involvement of twelve UN Agencies, and has been the subject of numerous consultations and iterations prior to arriving at this final version. The UN Recovery and Response Plan has been discussed, and then validated, with a focused group involving different ministries of the Government of Albania, the European Union, the Government of Switzerland, as well as the International Financial Institutions present in Albania.
The Plan, whose preparation, consultation and validation were technically led by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), with substantial support as well from the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNICEF, sets out the United Nation’s (UN) consolidated offer of socio-economic recovery and response support. The Plan complements the Government of Albania National Response Plan (to be released soon) and the National Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan (SPRP), issued in February 2020 and updated in May 2020.
The UN Recovery and Response Plan, which identifies 113 priority actions, aims to promote socioeconomic development in Albania by minimizing and mitigating the negative impact of COVID-19, and by building forward better post-COVID on a sustained path to the achievement of the SDGs. It seeks to support the Government of Albania in its recovery across five pillars, namely, (i) health response and systems strengthening, (ii) pro-poor social systems, (iii) resilient economic recovery, (iv) macro-economic and fiscal management, and (v) social cohesion and local resilience. The objective is to ensure a concerted, collaborative and all-inclusive effort to address the multidimensional impacts of the COVID-19, and to protect the needs and rights of people living under the duress of the pandemic, with a focus on the most vulnerable groups, and people who risk being left behind.