ITU provides support to the National Authority on Electronic Certification and Cybersecurity on Child Online Protection
15 October 2022
News from ITU
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is providing support to the National Authority on Electronic Certification and Cybersecurity (NAECCS/ AKCESK) of Albania in rolling out the ITU Child Online Protection Guidelines at the national level. The objective is to foster a culture of child online protection with all relevant stakeholders through knowledge sharing and digital skills development.
As of October 2022, 190 secondary school students, 460 parents and educators, as well as 100 experts from Child Online Protection Units and Industry operators from 12 regions in the country have been trained on COP, and how to protect children from online risks and harms and better cope with such risks. In addition, 4500 single viewers have been reached through a COP-dedicated social media campaign. Circa 500 people engaged by following the NAECCS’s social media channels and more than 100 people have participated in quizzes shared on Instagram stories.

In addition, to the training, a child-friendly manual was elaborated based on the COP Guidelines and served as a background document for training sessions targeting children and the youth. A Unified message targeting Industry stakeholders was also developed with the aim to raise awareness on how to increase the security of children online in order to harmonize policies and regulations across the country.

More information on the project and its milestone including the ITU COP Guidelines in Albanian Language can be found here.