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Knowledge sharing and exchange of experience between UNCT Montenegro and UNCT Albania

03 qershor 2022

Delivering for SDGs

 A bilateral country knowledge sharing event took place between the UN Country Teams (UNCTs) of Montenegro and Albania today. The meeting served to disseminate lessons learned during the implementation of two SDG Funded UN Joint Programmes (one implemented in Albania and the other in Montenegro) and discuss on the wider issue of social protection strengthening and poverty reduction. Also, the event extended the discussion and engaged experts to inform further work and remaining gaps to be tackled in the field. 

Albanian and Montenegro share similarities and differences within social protection systems. Coordination between the two countries further supports the process of strengthening social protection systems across the region and ensuring that no one is left behind. Crucially, the European Pillar of Social Rights, in terms of benchmarking the performance of the Western Balkans in relation to its principles, policies, and outcomes, includes a particular focus on the social dimension of enlargement for both countries. While looking forward, the UN will continue to support the governments for the roll-out of the social protection and social inclusion policies and legal frameworks.

“Improving Municipal Social Protection Service Delivery” (IMSPSD) is a UN Albania joint programme focused on catalyzing a step-change in the quantity and quality of delivery at local (municipal) level of integrated social care, as part of an effective integrated social protection system.  It builds upon the vast experience of the UN in addressing social inclusion, protection and the needs of the most vulnerable groups including Roma, refugees and migrants, persons with disabilities, vulnerable children, elderly, rural women, and women at risk of Gender Based Violence. The programme is implemented by UNDP, UNICEF, WHO, UN Women, UNFPA and ILO.

Subjektet e OKB-së të përfshira në këtë nismë

International Labour Organization
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women
United Nations Development Programme
United Nations Population Fund
United Nations Children’s Fund
World Health Organization

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