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WHO Support Mission to Albania for infection prevention and control, clinical management and surveillance

17 prill 2021

  • A joint technical support mission from the WHO Health Emergencies Programme Balkans Hub deployed in Albania

A joint technical support mission from the WHO Health Emergencies Programme Balkans Hub deployed from 12 to 16 April 2021 to contribute to the COVID-19 response in Albania. The mission focused on reviewing current capacities, identifying gaps and strengthening infection prevention control, clinical management, epidemiologic and laboratory surveillance in the COVID-19 response. Consultations were held with national stakeholders to identify lessons learned and options for future reviews to learn and improve were explored such as an Intra- or After-Action Review. The joint mission enabled the WHO team to better understand the current COVID-19 response in Albania, identify gaps across several key pillars of the emergency response and discuss future areas of further support from WHO.


Titulli: WHO experts at the Hospital of Durrës
Foto: © WHO/Albania

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World Health Organization

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