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EU and WHO for a strong and resilient health system in Albania

26 qershor 2022

  • Covid-19 Response

With EU funds, cold chain equipment for COVID19 vaccines has been distributed across Albania. A strong cold chain capacity is important as vaccines must be continuously stored in a limited temperature range – from the time they are manufactured until the moment of vaccination. This is because temperatures that are too high or too low can cause the vaccine to lose its protective power.

During June the last two delivery was made. The first one to Qëndra Shëndetësore Levan, a primary healthcare center outside Fier and the second one to the newly opened primary healthcare center Qendra Shëndetësore nr. 3 in Fier.

The Director of Qëndra Shëndetësore Dr. Luan Beqiraj expressed gratitude for the support saying "Historically, the cold chain capacity in Albania has been very good, and with this contribution, it will continue to improve. This equipment will be very useful for the administration of vaccines in general and for the COVID-19 vaccines."

Titulli: WHO Albania's Dr. Gazmend Bejtja with Dr. Luan Beqiraj, Director of Qëndra Shëndetësore, Fier
Foto: © WHO Albania

Dr. Mirgena Hoxhaj, Director of Qendra Shëndetësore nr. 3, also expressed appreciation for the donation saying: "As our healthcare center has been open for less than three months, this donation is coming very timely. Especially as we do not only provide vaccination for the patients within our area, but we also distribute vaccines to 12 smaller health facilities in Fier."

Titulli: Meeting Dr. Mirgena Hoxhaj, Director of Qendra Shëndetësore Nr 3, Fier
Foto: © WHO Albania

She also expressed appreciation for her colleagues hard work during the COVID-19 pandemic: "Thanks to the great work of the nursing staff in Fier, we have a good uptake of the COVID-19 vaccine in the area. The nurses have been excellent at informing about the benefits of vaccination and giving the doses. We have even managed to perform vaccination in the homes for people who have difficulties getting to the clinic, such as the elderly population."


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World Health Organization

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