IOM - Training program for Child Protection professionals in Albania working with migrant children
16 shkurt 2023

Child Protection Unit professionals in Albania, participated in a training program focused on child rights-based first contact with migrant children. The training module, prepared in consultation with the Child Protection Agency in Albania and local and international partners, aims to equip professionals with essential knowledge and skills related to working with migrant children, including vulnerable groups.
The manual builds on previous work implemented in the country and is expected to be finalized within February 2023. It is intended to be a useful resource for professionals working directly with migrants. It aims to promote a rights-based approach to working with children migrants, vulnerable groups of children migrants and determinants of migrant vulnerability, in line with international and regional norms, standards, and frameworks that are gender-sensitive and in the best interest of children.

This initiative is supported by IOM, within the scope of the project "Joint Actions Against Smuggling of Migrants and Trafficking in Human Beings" (WBJAST), funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark.WBJAST aims to contribute to better migration management of mixed migration flows in the Western Balkans through strengthening effective counter-smuggling and counter-human trafficking practices, in line with protection sensitive approaches to assisting victims of trafficking.
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