UN Youth Advisory Group define their strategy for supporting the new GoA-UN Cooperation Framework
25 qershor 2021
UN Albania’s Youth Advisory Group (UNYAG) has been actively supporting the UN country team in during the development phase of the GoA-UN Cooperation Framework 2022-26
UN Albania’s Youth Advisory Group (UNYAG) has been actively supporting the UN country team in during the development phase of the GoA-UN Cooperation Framework 2022-26. They developed a Youth Survey that provided important insights on what are the key priorities of youth in Albania.
As the new Cooperation Framework is now in the final stages before being endorsed by the GoA, the group gathered to develop their strategic plan to support UNCT and create the necessary structures and capacities to organize the work.
The workshop was designed as a tool to increase the synergy and cooperation of the group, deepen the knowledge on the UN priorities in Albania and facilitate better contribution of everyone.
UNYAG established their internal regulation with clear roles and responsibilities of all members.
The strategic priorities for UNYAG on their current mandate will be: Education; Justice; Climate Change and Partnerships for SDGs.
Subjektet e OKB-së të përfshira në këtë nismë
United Nations Resident Coordinator Office
UN Women
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women