Progress Report 2013

Dear Partners and Colleagues,
As the Co-chairs of the Joint Executive Committee, we are pleased to present to you the 2013 Annual Progress Report for the Government of Albania-United Nations Programme of Cooperation 2012 - 2016.
This report highlights tangible development results achieved over the course of the year and outlines substantive areas where the United Nations (UN) has partnered with the country as it advances in its most important goal of integration in the European Union (EU). The partnership between the UN and Albania is wide ranging from rule of law, governance, economy, environment, regional and local development and inclusive policies.
A unique set of integrated management arrangements brings together senior representatives of both government and participating UN agencies. Such arrangements have proven instrumental to joint decision-making, have simplified planning and reporting. Furthermore, as this report highlights, such arrangements have enhanced programmatic synergies, forged national ownership – fundamental for effective development cooperation and focus on results. This has allowed us to deliver more and better, enhance accountability and improve coherence.
A Parliamentary election in 2013 brought to power a new coalition government with a new programme and vision. Albania today, has renewed energy and dynamism in pursuit of its objectives: to set the country on a path towards EU accession and play a lead role in shaping the post-2015 Agenda. And the momentum is building around this process which must be bold in ambition yet simple in design, supported by a new partnership for development.