One UN Annual Report 2009

In 2009, the ef orts of the Government and the UN Team to lay the foundations for a new way of working together showed concrete results, including increased alignment with national priorities, joint programming, effi ciency gains and cost-savings. Systems and mechanisms to support Delivering as One, such as the One Programme, One Fund and One Budgetary Framework are in place, providing a clear overview of the UN’s work in Albania. This has further increased the ownership of the One UN Programme by the Government.
Covering approximately 85 percent of the UN’s work in Albania, the One UN Programme now brings together the expertise of fourteen participating Agencies, Funds and Programmes. Combining specifi c interventions of individual UN Agencies and targeted interventions through Joint Programmes, the One UN Programme is well on track. In 2009, the UN delivered approximately USD 18 million under the One UN Programme.